It's been one month since I last posted. What has happened you ask? I hurt my back and couldn't work out for part of the month. Instead of dealing with it sensibly, I did what anyone would do. I couldn't work out so instead, I ate. And ate. I was depressed and in pain so I ate. And ate.
You know the ole saying, you eat like crap, you feel like crap? Uh huh, I feel like crap, which only makes me more depressed and want to eat more!! Huh?! Why do we do this to ourselves?
I get REALLY nervous when I am injured. It's hard because I NEED my ENTIRE body to be functional in order to do my day to day classes. I have a lot of women depending on me to be open so they can get their workout in. In a perfect world, I would have another certified instructor to teach my classes and extra money to pay them! NO worries right?! Of course, all the "what if's" start running through my mind. What if I have to cancel my classes and my customers started canceling?! What if I let my clients down? What if they are disappointed? What if I go back to teaching too soon and re- injure myself? We can play the "what if" game all day and get more depressed right?!
I started making excuses for not "having time" to head to the grocery store, started eating out more and thus my journey began. No I REALLY DIDN'T HAVE TIME- because I was watching Lie to Me reruns on Netflix. True story.
I was TOO busy feeling sorry for myself to care about what I ate! But I am here to tell you, I have fallen but I am getting back up. I went to the grocery (because I watched all the seasons of Lie to Me and there are no more to see- true story) and I got a ton of VEGGIES!!! Yahoo!! Yippee!!! I made delicious salads and some juices too! I miss my juices!!
So I am letting you all know- I am only human. I crave sugar. I eat sugar. When I eat sugar, I crave sugar. I hate myself for it. I eat crap, I feel like crap.
Enough of this pity party. I'm declaring war against this funk I'm in!
I. Will. Win.
Peace and Love,