So you making your list and checking it twice. You are ready to finally make this great healthy change in your life. Here is what to expect.
Expect to feel overwhelmed at first. Completely normal.
This is a process that you will have to tweak time and again for you, your family and your lifestyle. Soon it will become second nature.
Expect to go through detox. Yes, your body is addicted to all that sugar, caffeine, christmas cookies and an abundance of too much food. You can still have caffeine- coffee or tea- but no more soda, energy drinks etc. This detox will usually hit you around day 3. It may last for a couple days. You will have a headache and be so tired you could fall asleep standing up. Don't fight it, take a nap! Don't stop your clean eating schedule during this time! And drink water and a lot of it!!! All that water is flushing those nasty toxins from your body.
Expect to possibly be a little constipated at first. Doesn't make sense when you are eating all these vegetables and drinking all that water does it? Remember those toxins I spoke of? They are clogging up everything. Soon your digestive track will be moving better than ever. Hang in there and drink more water! I take a probiotic daily. I highly recommend it.
Expect to run into naysayers. They are just jealous. Expect them to try to feed you. NO!!!!! Remember this is your journey and you are the only one that can control what goes in your mouth. I can't tell you how many situations I have been in where people try to guilt me into eating something I don't want. I truly think they mean well but don't cave in.
Expect to lose the bloat!!! Yes, your tummy will get smaller! Your jeans will not be so tight! AMEN!!
Expect to lose weight!! Can I hear an AMEN?! Yes, you are probably carrying extra water weight and will lose that right away. Then it may be slow and steady but keep up the good work. Small consistent steps will take you to the finish line! I am on day 18 and I'm down 6 pounds!!
Expect to sleep better, have more energy and clearer skin. Yes friends, you have discovered the fountain of youth. Your immune system will be stronger and you will not catch as many colds.
Expect to finally feel in control of your eating- your body- your life! Expect this for a lifetime.
In peace and hope,
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
What now?
The first of the year is fast approaching and I have a feeling many of you are using that as the start of your journey. Let's learn how to eat clean.
Review of the rules-
1. Eat five to six times a day (every three hours- and within an hour of waking)
2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Start your day with a cup of hot water and half a fresh lemon.
3. Read your labels- don't eat things with long ingredient list. Shoot for under 5 ingredients.
4. Avoid processed and refined foods- no white flour, sugar, bread and pasta. Aim for complex carbs such as whole grains instead.
5. Watch out for high fat foods- steer clear of anything high in saturated and trans fats. Eat nothing fried or high in sugar.
6. Lean meats- aim to shop for humanely raised and local meats. Local farms do not treat nor feed their animals like big box companies. Keep your local farmers in business.
7. Try to eat produce that is in season and local. Again, stick with your farmers. Produce will have less pesticides and more nutrition!
8. Watch your portion sizes!! Even healthy food has a portion size. Enjoy your veggies unlimited but watch portion sizes on other food. Strawberries have a half cup portion size. Yes they are healthy but they also have natural sugar. If you are just starting out, measure, measure, measure! Get those measuring spoons and cups and USE them friends. We think we can eyeball how much a half cup is but you would be surprised.
9. Slow down and enjoy your food. Gulping food down is not good for your digestive track. Be good to your belly and enjoy chewing your food. Relax.
10. Exercise- it helps to shoot that metabolism up where you need it and releases those feel good endorphins!
10. Exercise- it helps to shoot that metabolism up where you need it and releases those feel good endorphins!
11. Be prepared and plan your meals.
12. Be prepared.
13. Be prepared. Got it?
14. Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal.
15. Eat healthy fats every day .
16. Make your last meal three hours before bed.
I can't believe I am about to say this and I own a fitness center....but I have to tell you the truth!!! What you put in your mouth IS more important than what you do in the gym. Did I just really say that?! Eeeeek!!!! Seriously though friends, it's true. Let's face it, we are in the gym 1 hour and stuffing our face for 23 hours. Ok, not really but close! What you put in your mouth will help strip your body of unwanted fat!! Here is the ratio- your body composition is made up of 80% nutrition/ 10% training/ 10% genetics. Exercise does play a role but look how you can shape your body by what you eat! You can exercise all day long but if you are eating garbage you will feel like garbage. Now before I get off my soap box let me tell you how important working out is. VERY!!! Please do not think that working out is not important because the clean eating and exercise go hand in hand. It is so true that you are what you eat. If you eat junk food you will feel like junk. Nuff said.
If you are ready to put some meals together remember- the cardinal rule for Eating Clean is: the fewer ingredients on the label, the better. Here is a prime example, homework time- when you are at the grocery store- go check out the cottage cheese. Look at the ingredients on the Daisy cottage cheese. Now look at the other "store brand" of cottage cheese. Report back to me what you find!
You will want to have protein with every meal or snack. Protein is the lean bodybuilding food.
Examples of protein sources-
Egg whites, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, lean turkey, chicken and pork, beans and legumes, lean fish, shrimp, clams, mussels, bison and other game meats, hummus (also a healthy fat), quinoa (also complex carb), nut butters, protein powders, tofu and tempeh.
Carbs come in two forms- simple and complex. Simple carbs such as white flour and sugar as also known as sugars. They break down easily and tend to send blood sugar levels out of control. Avoid simple carbs except fruit- fruit contains fiber, which slows down digestion. Fruits also contain vital nutrients and minerals important to the body.
Complex carbs are high in fiber and improve digestion. They keep you satisfied between meals and stabilize blood sugar levels. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are all complex carbs. To break this down even more there are two types of complex carbs- starchy and high water.
Starchy complex carbs include-
Sweet potatoes, potatoes, radishes, beans and legumes (also proteins), oats, brown rice, whole grain pasta, quinoa, bananas, carrots, parsnips and bulgar wheat.
High water complex carbs include-
apples, plums, berries, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, asparagus, beets, leeks, dark leafy greens, brussels sprouts, green beans, onions, sprouts, celery, watermelon, cherries, zucchini, fennel, oranges, limes, lemons and garlic.
Fat is not always bad. Healthy fats are so important to our bodies, particularly the brain. We need fatty acids known as omega-3 and omega-6. These healthy fats keep cells in a fat burning state.
Healthy fats include-
Flaxseeds, nuts (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds), nut butters, hummus, avocado, healthy oils (flaxseed, sesame, coconut, olive, hazelnut, walnut and fish)
Now those are just examples and not exhausted lists.
You should eat protein at every meal/snack. Serving size 4-6 oz. meat (palm size portion), 1 cup of dairy products (greek yogurt or cottage cheese)
Aim for two-four servings of starchy complex carbs a day- portion size- half cup oatmeal or rice, 4-6 oz sweet potato.
five to six servings of high water complex carbs- portion size 2 cups for veggies, one piece of fruit half cup sliced fruit.
Two- three servings of healthy fats portion size- 1-2 Tbsp nut butters, 1-2 Tbsp of oils.
Whew, are you overwhelmed? Don't be! I promise it will get easier as you go along.
I'm here to help. Questions? I'm only an email away.
Joy and Peace,
14. Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal.
15. Eat healthy fats every day .
16. Make your last meal three hours before bed.
I can't believe I am about to say this and I own a fitness center....but I have to tell you the truth!!! What you put in your mouth IS more important than what you do in the gym. Did I just really say that?! Eeeeek!!!! Seriously though friends, it's true. Let's face it, we are in the gym 1 hour and stuffing our face for 23 hours. Ok, not really but close! What you put in your mouth will help strip your body of unwanted fat!! Here is the ratio- your body composition is made up of 80% nutrition/ 10% training/ 10% genetics. Exercise does play a role but look how you can shape your body by what you eat! You can exercise all day long but if you are eating garbage you will feel like garbage. Now before I get off my soap box let me tell you how important working out is. VERY!!! Please do not think that working out is not important because the clean eating and exercise go hand in hand. It is so true that you are what you eat. If you eat junk food you will feel like junk. Nuff said.
If you are ready to put some meals together remember- the cardinal rule for Eating Clean is: the fewer ingredients on the label, the better. Here is a prime example, homework time- when you are at the grocery store- go check out the cottage cheese. Look at the ingredients on the Daisy cottage cheese. Now look at the other "store brand" of cottage cheese. Report back to me what you find!
You will want to have protein with every meal or snack. Protein is the lean bodybuilding food.
Examples of protein sources-
Egg whites, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, lean turkey, chicken and pork, beans and legumes, lean fish, shrimp, clams, mussels, bison and other game meats, hummus (also a healthy fat), quinoa (also complex carb), nut butters, protein powders, tofu and tempeh.
Carbs come in two forms- simple and complex. Simple carbs such as white flour and sugar as also known as sugars. They break down easily and tend to send blood sugar levels out of control. Avoid simple carbs except fruit- fruit contains fiber, which slows down digestion. Fruits also contain vital nutrients and minerals important to the body.
Complex carbs are high in fiber and improve digestion. They keep you satisfied between meals and stabilize blood sugar levels. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are all complex carbs. To break this down even more there are two types of complex carbs- starchy and high water.
Starchy complex carbs include-
Sweet potatoes, potatoes, radishes, beans and legumes (also proteins), oats, brown rice, whole grain pasta, quinoa, bananas, carrots, parsnips and bulgar wheat.
High water complex carbs include-
apples, plums, berries, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, asparagus, beets, leeks, dark leafy greens, brussels sprouts, green beans, onions, sprouts, celery, watermelon, cherries, zucchini, fennel, oranges, limes, lemons and garlic.
Fat is not always bad. Healthy fats are so important to our bodies, particularly the brain. We need fatty acids known as omega-3 and omega-6. These healthy fats keep cells in a fat burning state.
Healthy fats include-
Flaxseeds, nuts (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds), nut butters, hummus, avocado, healthy oils (flaxseed, sesame, coconut, olive, hazelnut, walnut and fish)
Now those are just examples and not exhausted lists.
You should eat protein at every meal/snack. Serving size 4-6 oz. meat (palm size portion), 1 cup of dairy products (greek yogurt or cottage cheese)
Aim for two-four servings of starchy complex carbs a day- portion size- half cup oatmeal or rice, 4-6 oz sweet potato.
five to six servings of high water complex carbs- portion size 2 cups for veggies, one piece of fruit half cup sliced fruit.
Two- three servings of healthy fats portion size- 1-2 Tbsp nut butters, 1-2 Tbsp of oils.
Whew, are you overwhelmed? Don't be! I promise it will get easier as you go along.
I'm here to help. Questions? I'm only an email away.
Joy and Peace,
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
How is running like eating clean?
I ran a 4 mile race yesterday. It was a trail run. I stepped outside the box, outside my normal set limits. You see, I have told Berta, my running partner, many times "I will not run outside if it is below 32 degrees." That was my limit. Why? I don't like to be cold. I REALLY don't like to be cold. The thing I don't put enough weight on though is the fact that when we start running, we are warm!! So after we did the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, I called her up and said, "Let's sign up for the Crazy Legs 4 mile race the day after Christmas." She didn't bat and eye and agreed quickly. It turned out to be the perfect day for a run. No snow, sleet, rain or wind to speak of. Like I said earlier, most of the race was through the woods. It was so exhilarating running or I should say zig zagging through the woods. I'm not a very fast runner so it didn't take long for me to get separated from the pack. That never bothers me though. I run this race for me and not to beat them.
Trail runs are so different from road runs. On a trial run you can't look much past your feet or you could fall. If you try to look too far ahead you can easily step on that tree root wrong and sprain your ankle. You are forced to stay in each moment and react to just that moment. In a road run, it can be so easy to look far ahead and see how much road is really ahead of you. It is so easy to lose your focus because you begin to feel overwhelmed by the road ahead of you. Not so in trail runs. The trail zigs and zags...goes up and goes down. You cannot get bored because each step is different than the last. There is no way to be able to tell where the trail ends, forcing us to stay in the moment.
As I was running, I tripped and turned my ankle four times! Not because I was looking so far ahead but more so because I am so graceful! The last time I twisted my ankle was the worst. It made me completely lose my balance and fall to the left. I stood right up, shook it off and took off again. I started to think maybe I should slow down, maybe I should walk the race. What if I do sprain my ankle? I need my body for my job and cannot afford to sprain an ankle! I shake off the fear of what ifs and continue on. I don't let fear of the unknown stop me. Since I can't see the end of the race, I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I have faith that I can and will finish this race. My consistency will pay off. My small steps will lead me to the finish line.
How does this relate to clean eating? Don't be afraid to step outside your box. Go outside your limits when trying new foods and recipes. You might be shocked that you enjoy a food that you didn't used to. Find new recipes and try a new one or two every week. This helps prevent boredom too. Each step in this race can have variety if you let it. Don't get stuck eating the same thing every day.
When learning to eat clean it can be so easy to be distracted by others. Remember you are running this race for YOU. Don't let others influence you to lose your focus. It's OK to eat the way you need to eat. Don't let them tell you, just this can eat just this one cookie....I made it just for YOU! No!!! Don't do it. Believe me, there will be people uncomfortable with your new healthy way of eating. Do what YOU need to do to finish this race.
Don't look too far ahead during your journey. If you are doing this to lose weight, don't think I have 30 pounds to lose!! I'll never do it! YES YOU WILL!! You will do it ONE pound at at time!!! Remember the paper towel layer analogy? One sheet at a time friends.
Be consistent with your shopping, planning and eating. Your small steps each day will take you to the finish line. You have to have Faith in yourself and the new way of life. It's OK to fall, but shake it off and get right back up. Don't let the fear of failing stop you. I want you to show me that YOU can do it!!
One foot at at time, one meal at at time, one day at a time. We can do this.
Faith and love,
Trail runs are so different from road runs. On a trial run you can't look much past your feet or you could fall. If you try to look too far ahead you can easily step on that tree root wrong and sprain your ankle. You are forced to stay in each moment and react to just that moment. In a road run, it can be so easy to look far ahead and see how much road is really ahead of you. It is so easy to lose your focus because you begin to feel overwhelmed by the road ahead of you. Not so in trail runs. The trail zigs and zags...goes up and goes down. You cannot get bored because each step is different than the last. There is no way to be able to tell where the trail ends, forcing us to stay in the moment.
As I was running, I tripped and turned my ankle four times! Not because I was looking so far ahead but more so because I am so graceful! The last time I twisted my ankle was the worst. It made me completely lose my balance and fall to the left. I stood right up, shook it off and took off again. I started to think maybe I should slow down, maybe I should walk the race. What if I do sprain my ankle? I need my body for my job and cannot afford to sprain an ankle! I shake off the fear of what ifs and continue on. I don't let fear of the unknown stop me. Since I can't see the end of the race, I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I have faith that I can and will finish this race. My consistency will pay off. My small steps will lead me to the finish line.
How does this relate to clean eating? Don't be afraid to step outside your box. Go outside your limits when trying new foods and recipes. You might be shocked that you enjoy a food that you didn't used to. Find new recipes and try a new one or two every week. This helps prevent boredom too. Each step in this race can have variety if you let it. Don't get stuck eating the same thing every day.
When learning to eat clean it can be so easy to be distracted by others. Remember you are running this race for YOU. Don't let others influence you to lose your focus. It's OK to eat the way you need to eat. Don't let them tell you, just this can eat just this one cookie....I made it just for YOU! No!!! Don't do it. Believe me, there will be people uncomfortable with your new healthy way of eating. Do what YOU need to do to finish this race.
Don't look too far ahead during your journey. If you are doing this to lose weight, don't think I have 30 pounds to lose!! I'll never do it! YES YOU WILL!! You will do it ONE pound at at time!!! Remember the paper towel layer analogy? One sheet at a time friends.
Be consistent with your shopping, planning and eating. Your small steps each day will take you to the finish line. You have to have Faith in yourself and the new way of life. It's OK to fall, but shake it off and get right back up. Don't let the fear of failing stop you. I want you to show me that YOU can do it!!
One foot at at time, one meal at at time, one day at a time. We can do this.
Faith and love,
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas Friends!!! I hope you had a very blessed day with your family and friends. It was a great day indeed. I started off the day make biscuits and gravy for my family. No I did not eat them. I normally don't eat it anyway because it is full of sausage. About half an hour after getting up, I ate two of my pumpkin protein bars to hold me off until breakfast time which really ended up being Brunch. Instead of biscuits and gravy, I had two egg whites on an Ezekiel english muffin with half slice of colby cheese. I also had a banana and and half an orange.
My children went to see their Grandma and Papa so I went to a friends house. I took a protein shake with me and a banana and 10 almonds to put in it. I had that while they ate dinner. It didn't bother me one bit but it is funny how it bothers others around me. The hostess felt really bad that I "had nothing to eat". They ate ham and scalloped potatoes and corn bread casserole....and I drank my protein shake. I was totally fine with it. Now I do have to tell you, there was a huge array of cheesecake which I drooled over for probably longer than is appropriate but I did not eat one piece!
I was home in time for my next three hour meal. I made a huge salad with black beans and every veggie I had in the fridge! I love a good salad!! I will be up a while to watch a couple movies I rented so I will eat again at 8:30pm. I have clean egg salad to put on an Ezekiel wrap. That will sum up my clean eating on Christmas!
I have to tell you though, I really could go for a Christmas cookie right about now. The problem with that is, I do not know how to stop at one. I know had I not been on this challenge today, I would have consumed a thousand calories more than I needed and probably be on the low side of a sugar high right about now.
Thanks for keeping me honest!
Merry Christmas!
Love j
My children went to see their Grandma and Papa so I went to a friends house. I took a protein shake with me and a banana and 10 almonds to put in it. I had that while they ate dinner. It didn't bother me one bit but it is funny how it bothers others around me. The hostess felt really bad that I "had nothing to eat". They ate ham and scalloped potatoes and corn bread casserole....and I drank my protein shake. I was totally fine with it. Now I do have to tell you, there was a huge array of cheesecake which I drooled over for probably longer than is appropriate but I did not eat one piece!
I was home in time for my next three hour meal. I made a huge salad with black beans and every veggie I had in the fridge! I love a good salad!! I will be up a while to watch a couple movies I rented so I will eat again at 8:30pm. I have clean egg salad to put on an Ezekiel wrap. That will sum up my clean eating on Christmas!
I have to tell you though, I really could go for a Christmas cookie right about now. The problem with that is, I do not know how to stop at one. I know had I not been on this challenge today, I would have consumed a thousand calories more than I needed and probably be on the low side of a sugar high right about now.
Thanks for keeping me honest!
Merry Christmas!
Love j
Saturday, December 24, 2011
My three pound gain.
On Wednesday and Thursday for whatever reason, I just couldn't drink water. I simply wasn't thirsty. Wednesday wasn't as bad since I taught Jazzercise so I did consume a good amount but for some reason, drinking water was very low on my priority list Wed afternoon. I woke up with cotton mouth on Thursday, a very good indication that I was not drinking enough. As much as I tried Thursday, I could barely choke it down. This is very unusual for me because, I LOVE water. I normally have no problem drinking it. I went out to eat on Thursday evening with my besties. I had black bean soup which I did not realize had a drizzle of sour cream on it (I swear)! I loaded it with salsa and ate up.
I weigh myself every day, out of habit mostly. First thing I do before I get in the shower. Before my clean eating challenge, my weight would easily go up or down 2-3 pounds each day. The great thing about clean eating is my weight does NOT fluctuate at all....until it goes down! Except for when I do not consume enough water AND eat a high sodium dinner. I woke up Friday feeling bloated and heavy. THREE pounds heavier to be exact I hadn't thought about it at the time but soup is usually loaded with sodium. I did not let this get me down though. I started chugging the water to flush the body of unwanted water and stuck to my clean eating. I am happy to announce I am back down 3 pounds.
There are a couple of things I want you to take from this blog. First of all, if you do weigh yourself regularly, don't panic when it is up. Take a closer look at what the day before was like for you. Did you really pig out? Or did you eat well but not drink enough fluids? Be honest with yourself. This does not give you an excuse to binge because you are upset that you ate well and still gained. It may be just be water. Don't forget, it takes water to rid the body of water. When we are low on water our body thinks it must preserve what is left.
I am not encouraging you to become a daily weigher if doing that bothers you. I know many people that judge their weight by their clothes. I think that is a great way to keep track. It is important to do what feels best for you.
Oh and for those of you that are curious. I started my challenge at 147.0 lbs. I am now down to 140.4. I lost all the weight in week one. I have been stable at 140 this week (except for my 3 lbs)!
If you are trying to watch what you are eating, when eating out be aware of higher sodium foods. Unless we are making it ourselves, it's very hard to know sodium content. If you think you are eating higher sodium foods combat it with water and lots of it.
As we go into the holiday remember moderation is the key. Enjoy your blessings!
Lots of Love,
I weigh myself every day, out of habit mostly. First thing I do before I get in the shower. Before my clean eating challenge, my weight would easily go up or down 2-3 pounds each day. The great thing about clean eating is my weight does NOT fluctuate at all....until it goes down! Except for when I do not consume enough water AND eat a high sodium dinner. I woke up Friday feeling bloated and heavy. THREE pounds heavier to be exact I hadn't thought about it at the time but soup is usually loaded with sodium. I did not let this get me down though. I started chugging the water to flush the body of unwanted water and stuck to my clean eating. I am happy to announce I am back down 3 pounds.
There are a couple of things I want you to take from this blog. First of all, if you do weigh yourself regularly, don't panic when it is up. Take a closer look at what the day before was like for you. Did you really pig out? Or did you eat well but not drink enough fluids? Be honest with yourself. This does not give you an excuse to binge because you are upset that you ate well and still gained. It may be just be water. Don't forget, it takes water to rid the body of water. When we are low on water our body thinks it must preserve what is left.
I am not encouraging you to become a daily weigher if doing that bothers you. I know many people that judge their weight by their clothes. I think that is a great way to keep track. It is important to do what feels best for you.
Oh and for those of you that are curious. I started my challenge at 147.0 lbs. I am now down to 140.4. I lost all the weight in week one. I have been stable at 140 this week (except for my 3 lbs)!
If you are trying to watch what you are eating, when eating out be aware of higher sodium foods. Unless we are making it ourselves, it's very hard to know sodium content. If you think you are eating higher sodium foods combat it with water and lots of it.
As we go into the holiday remember moderation is the key. Enjoy your blessings!
Lots of Love,
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
About me...
I have always pretty much eaten healthy. I am a vegetarian and have been for about 7 years. I have always been one to gravitate towards the veggie part of the meals more than the meat. I watched Super Size Me one day and at the end of the video, there were many clips on how that one hamburger you get at McDonald's could be from hundreds of cows. Not sure why but I always thought this "one burger" came from "one cow". Well, that lead me to the library to check out many books on why I should be a vegetarian. After reading about all the animal abuse and the health benefits of this new way of eating, I was hooked. I started out not eating fish. After a while, I added fish back in my diet. I don't have a real good reason for that other than I just felt like I needed it. I do eat eggs and cheese. I have thrown the idea of being vegan around for about a year now. The problem? I love cheese. You cheese lovers will understand my wavering.
So what brought me to my 12 week eat clean challenge in December of all times? My healthy eating habits began to take a turn. Now normally, I would say I eat 80% of the time healthy and 20% of the time not. Well my 80/20 rule started turning into 60/40 then 40/60 then 20/80 and before you know it I'm eating big macs and fries. Ok, not really but you get the picture. (I have been known to eat a bag of kettle corn for dinner) Yep, I was eating more unhealthy than healthy. Not all of it was "unhealthy" but I was eating more granola bars, protein bars, prepackaged quick fixes. I found myself eating out more because I wasn't planning my lunches. My blood sugar starting playing tricks on me, I felt bloated most days and I was just plain tired. Time for a change. I kept saying I would start being better. I was telling my clients what to do but wasn't staying true to myself. I bought veggies and I threw them away because they spoiled. I was disgusted with myself and I was ten pounds heavier than I was 8 months ago. The need to make a change was greater than the need to stay the same- Finally!!
I sat down and made a list of everything I needed to eat for the week. I had my daughter take a "before" picture of me in a sports bra and swimming shorts. Front, side and back. Holy Cow!!! I didn't look at that picture right away but when I did I about died. Do I really look like that?! It wasn't pleasant. My daughter even said while she was taking the picture. "Mom don't hate me for taking this picture." I recommend anyone on the fence for making a change for their health to do just that. It was startling. I obviously have seen myself in the mirror and I know what my body looks like but to see it in a picture. Hmmm, different somehow. And
The question everyone is asking is why not wait til January? I say why wait? I will be three weeks ahead of my goal. I will save myself thousands of calories from cookies and other sugar laden products that my body doesn't need. And the way I was going, I would have gained several pounds easily. So started the beginning of my journey.
Eating clean is really the only way to go. We are eating so much more non food than we ever had.
Here are the basic rules to eating clean-
Eat within an hour of waking up- This has been hard from me because I start so early and I have to teach exercise class. I have started drinking a protein drink so I don't wait too long to eat. I mix a half scoop of protein powder with 8 ounces of unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Easily digested and I can drink it while I get ready. Before I drink that though I start my morning with a hot cup of water with half a lemon squeezed in it. This helps to flush the body of toxins. It cleanses your liver and helps your digestive track and bowels start moving.
Eat every three to four hours- I promise you that you will NOT be hungry. It is impossible. Today I have eaten at 6:30am (woke up late at 5:30am ugh) At 6:30am I had 4 scrambled egg whites with salsa and a 1/2 cup oatmeal with flaxseed and cinnamon. Real oatmeal, not single serving oatmeal. At 9:30 I had a protein drink with 1/2 banana mixed in. 8oz unsweetened almond with with a scoop of protein powder. 12:30 cod fillet with half a sweet potato and green beans. at 3:30 I will have 2 cinnamon protein bars and half cup cottage cheese with cinnamon. At 6:30pm I am having dinner at a friends. She is making shrimp stir fry with a salad. If I was up late (I know I won't be) but if I was, I could eat a snack at 9:30pm.
Eat foods with few ingredients- Look for nutrition labels with fewer than 5 ingredients. Stop buying prepackaged and make your own. In my last few blogs, I have included protein bars. These are great for when we need something quick and easy! Buy fresh fruit, fresh or frozen vegetables and lean meats. Stick to the outside perimeter of the grocery store and you will find clean foods. Stay to the inside of the isles and you begin to get swallowed in the processed world.
Cut out the white stuff- Sugar, white flour, white pasta, white potatoes, white rice, white bread. Grab the whole wheat version instead. Try sweet potatoes or red potatoes instead of white...brown or wild rice.
Eat the rainbow- No skittles here. Try to eat all colors of the rainbow. Spinach, kale, oranges, red peppers, yellow squash, blueberries, strawberries, peaches etc. Colorful foods are filled with more nutrients and flavor than bland processed foods. If your plates are filled with cream colored food.... try again!
Eat healthy fats- Avocado, nuts, nut butters, olive oil, coconut oils, flax seeds. Not all fat are created equal. We need healthy fats to keep our metabolize functioning properly.
Water-Drink it. Nuff said.
That's it in a nut shell. Questions?
Until next time,
So what brought me to my 12 week eat clean challenge in December of all times? My healthy eating habits began to take a turn. Now normally, I would say I eat 80% of the time healthy and 20% of the time not. Well my 80/20 rule started turning into 60/40 then 40/60 then 20/80 and before you know it I'm eating big macs and fries. Ok, not really but you get the picture. (I have been known to eat a bag of kettle corn for dinner) Yep, I was eating more unhealthy than healthy. Not all of it was "unhealthy" but I was eating more granola bars, protein bars, prepackaged quick fixes. I found myself eating out more because I wasn't planning my lunches. My blood sugar starting playing tricks on me, I felt bloated most days and I was just plain tired. Time for a change. I kept saying I would start being better. I was telling my clients what to do but wasn't staying true to myself. I bought veggies and I threw them away because they spoiled. I was disgusted with myself and I was ten pounds heavier than I was 8 months ago. The need to make a change was greater than the need to stay the same- Finally!!
I sat down and made a list of everything I needed to eat for the week. I had my daughter take a "before" picture of me in a sports bra and swimming shorts. Front, side and back. Holy Cow!!! I didn't look at that picture right away but when I did I about died. Do I really look like that?! It wasn't pleasant. My daughter even said while she was taking the picture. "Mom don't hate me for taking this picture." I recommend anyone on the fence for making a change for their health to do just that. It was startling. I obviously have seen myself in the mirror and I know what my body looks like but to see it in a picture. Hmmm, different somehow. And
The question everyone is asking is why not wait til January? I say why wait? I will be three weeks ahead of my goal. I will save myself thousands of calories from cookies and other sugar laden products that my body doesn't need. And the way I was going, I would have gained several pounds easily. So started the beginning of my journey.
Eating clean is really the only way to go. We are eating so much more non food than we ever had.
Here are the basic rules to eating clean-
Eat within an hour of waking up- This has been hard from me because I start so early and I have to teach exercise class. I have started drinking a protein drink so I don't wait too long to eat. I mix a half scoop of protein powder with 8 ounces of unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Easily digested and I can drink it while I get ready. Before I drink that though I start my morning with a hot cup of water with half a lemon squeezed in it. This helps to flush the body of toxins. It cleanses your liver and helps your digestive track and bowels start moving.
Eat every three to four hours- I promise you that you will NOT be hungry. It is impossible. Today I have eaten at 6:30am (woke up late at 5:30am ugh) At 6:30am I had 4 scrambled egg whites with salsa and a 1/2 cup oatmeal with flaxseed and cinnamon. Real oatmeal, not single serving oatmeal. At 9:30 I had a protein drink with 1/2 banana mixed in. 8oz unsweetened almond with with a scoop of protein powder. 12:30 cod fillet with half a sweet potato and green beans. at 3:30 I will have 2 cinnamon protein bars and half cup cottage cheese with cinnamon. At 6:30pm I am having dinner at a friends. She is making shrimp stir fry with a salad. If I was up late (I know I won't be) but if I was, I could eat a snack at 9:30pm.
Eat foods with few ingredients- Look for nutrition labels with fewer than 5 ingredients. Stop buying prepackaged and make your own. In my last few blogs, I have included protein bars. These are great for when we need something quick and easy! Buy fresh fruit, fresh or frozen vegetables and lean meats. Stick to the outside perimeter of the grocery store and you will find clean foods. Stay to the inside of the isles and you begin to get swallowed in the processed world.
Cut out the white stuff- Sugar, white flour, white pasta, white potatoes, white rice, white bread. Grab the whole wheat version instead. Try sweet potatoes or red potatoes instead of white...brown or wild rice.
Eat the rainbow- No skittles here. Try to eat all colors of the rainbow. Spinach, kale, oranges, red peppers, yellow squash, blueberries, strawberries, peaches etc. Colorful foods are filled with more nutrients and flavor than bland processed foods. If your plates are filled with cream colored food.... try again!
Eat healthy fats- Avocado, nuts, nut butters, olive oil, coconut oils, flax seeds. Not all fat are created equal. We need healthy fats to keep our metabolize functioning properly.
Water-Drink it. Nuff said.
That's it in a nut shell. Questions?
Until next time,
Monday, December 19, 2011
I know I said I would post more yesterday but the day just got away from me. I promise to post more soon but in the mean time, I want you to read this paper towel analogy. I didn't write it but found it on the web. I LOVE IT!!! Seriously, we tend to get so caught up in not having enough progress when we are trying to lose weight. We get frustrated that the scale isn't moving like the biggest loser scale does. I don't need to tell you how unhealthy that is do I? Every day that we try is a day that we are moving forward. If you take a step back, it does not give you the right to turn around and run. The next meal is a new start. Anyway, I'll get off my soap box and let you read on. But first I have included a recipe I found for cinnamon protein bread. It is SO Yummy! You can have 2 for a light 100 calorie snack or 4 for a 200 calorie complete snack. Jamie Eason has some great recipes. I got this one from her on You can make it in a loaf pan if you prefer or cut the slices bigger. Delicious and Healthy!! Nothing like the smell of fresh baked cinnamon bread that you don't have to feel guilty about eating.
Nutrition Facts:
Makes 16 squares
1 square = 55 calories, 1 g fat, 8 g carbs, 5 g protein
1 square = 55 calories, 1 g fat, 8 g carbs, 5 g protein
- 1/3 cup Ideal (Xylitol)
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 1/2 cups oat flour + 2 scoops vanilla whey protein
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup Ideal (Xylitol) or ¼ cup Stevia in the Raw
- 2 egg whites
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (Almond Breeze)
- 1/3 cup or 1 4oz jar of baby food applesauce and ¼ cup low sugar vanilla yogurt
- Preheat oven to 350. Spray an 8 X 8 inch Pyrex dish with non-stick spray.
- In small bowl combine: (set aside)
- 1/3 cup Ideal (Xylitol)
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- In a large bowl combine: (whisk together)
- 1 1/2 cups oat flour + 2 scoops vanilla whey protein
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup Ideal (Xylitol) or ¼ cup Stevia in the Raw
- In a medium bowl combine: (whisk together & add to lrg bowl)
- 2 egg whites
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (Almond Breeze)
- 1/3 cup or 1 4oz jar of baby food applesauce and ¼ cup low sugar vanilla yogurt
- Pour a shallow layer of batter into the loaf pan (about 1/4 of the batter).
- Sprinkle heavily with half of the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Repeat with remaining batter & cinnamon/sugar on top.
- Draw a knife through the batter to marble. Bake for 24 to 28 min. Let cool for 10 min. Bread will be dense.
Paper Towel Theory To Weight Loss
Let's assume you go out and buy two rolls of paper towels, each with only 84 paper towels on it. You put one aside, and keep it for future reference (your before/ picture).
The other one represents you (I'll call your paper towel you "Sally"). The core represents the lean Sally. The towels represent the fat that is covering the lean Sally. For sake of argument, let's say that Sally wants to lose 21 pounds of fat, so (84/21) each sheet represents a quarter-pound of fat lost. Let's also assume that Sally loses her fat equally during each day of the challenge.
Each day during the first week, you tear a sheet off of Sally, representing the fat she has lost for the day. Next, you put Sally next to the full roll (" Lucy") for comparison. No noticeable difference!!! Even at the end of the week! This can't be working for me!
But, being a good Sally, you continue to follow your workout schedule. At the end of weeks two and three, you continue to compare Sally to Lucy, and still notice very little difference. That stinkin' fitness program MUST be a lying!
But Sally is determined! She works hard! Three more weeks go by, the sheets peeling off day after day, before Sally gets up the courage to stand next to Lucy again. Holy Moly! Sally is skinny! OK, not skinny, but less huge!!!
By the end of the 12-week program, Sally is down to her lean dream, or somewhere near it. Sally is happy. We are happy. Lucy - well she's not so happy.
The lesson to be learned is that fat, like paper towels, comes off in sheets. When you are heavy, you are big around. And when you are big around, that fat is spread over a MUCH larger area - just like that outside towel sheet. The closer you get to the lean you, the more each lost pound of fat shows, because it is spread over a smaller area.
While the outside sheet may only cover 1 layer of the roll, the inside sheet may go around 4 times. That last sheet looks like it gives you 4 times the results of the first sheet, but in reality, the results are the same - your perception is just different! And you'll never see the inside, if you aren't patient while the outside is coming off!
In light and love,
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Not planning to fail
Good Morning Friends,
I know we have heard it a million times but it is so true! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. In order to be successful we need to be ready and prepared for each day. We should not be walking out the door empty handed wondering where we will get our food for the day.
I had to go to Indy with my Daddy yesterday for a doctor appt. As Friday was getting closer I was kind of panicking because I didn't know how I was going to be gone from 8 to 4 and eat clean on the road. I ate my breakfast right before he picked me up. This is what I took with me.
- A huge gallon size bag of veggies (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower)
- A protein shake with almond milk
- 2 bananas
- 1 apple
- 1 string cheese
- A lot of water
The goal on this clean eating plan is to eat every 3 hours and to combine protein with carbs. So at 11am, I drank the protein shake and had a banana. At 1pm, I had string cheese and veggies. We stopped at McDonalds twice and Dairy Queen once during our trip. Oh yes- Dad!!! Oh wait, I should say we did McDonalds three times because Dad bought egg mcmuffins before we even left. I put mine in the fridge and knew I would not eat but didn't tell him that because he just wouldn't understand.
We had to use the bathroom so we stopped on the way there. He also wanted to get a coke. He decided on lemonade and I got a black coffee. I think that was the first time I have ever drank coffee black. I was shocked that I enjoyed it.
Dad got a great news on his heart checkup. His heart is functioning even better! He has congestive heart failure and supposed to be on a low sodium the Grace of God, he is better. On the way back, Dad was hungry even though he had eaten half my veggies and a banana (had enough for both of us) He got two big macks and he got me a water. I have tried and tried to get my dad to eat healthy- that is another blog!
He wanted to stop at another restaurant but I insisted that I was not hungry. I really wasn't. We ended up stopping at Baileys discount store on the way back. Oh look, there is a dairy queen in there!!! He strolls in and gets a hamburger. I munched on veggies until I got home and was able to eat dinner. It was four hours before I ate my next meal which was supposed to be three but I did not cave in to temptation. Speaking of temptation, have you ever been to Baileys and seen all the candy they have?!
Ok friends, I'd like to go over some things you might need in your kitchen to eat clean. You may already have all of this.
-measuring spoons
-measuring cups
-food scale
-juicer (a hand juicer is fine)
-ziploc steam fresh bags (Love these)
-snack bags, sandwich bags, gallon size bags
-stayfresh containers that are easy to transport
-a cooler or bag so you can take your food with you
Tomorrow I will talk more about what I am eating, the staples you should have in your kitchen and the rules to eating clean. In the mean time, here is a recipe for Pumpkin Protein bars I found that is very yummy. You can find all the ingredients at Kroger. I chose to put the walnuts in for some healthy fat!

Nutrition (without walnuts): 1 square = 47 calories, .7 g fat, 8 g carbs, 3.7 g protein
Nutrition (with walnuts): 1 square = 63 calories, 2.3 g fat, 8 g carbs, 4 g protein
In Peace and Love,
I know we have heard it a million times but it is so true! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. In order to be successful we need to be ready and prepared for each day. We should not be walking out the door empty handed wondering where we will get our food for the day.
I had to go to Indy with my Daddy yesterday for a doctor appt. As Friday was getting closer I was kind of panicking because I didn't know how I was going to be gone from 8 to 4 and eat clean on the road. I ate my breakfast right before he picked me up. This is what I took with me.
- A huge gallon size bag of veggies (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower)
- A protein shake with almond milk
- 2 bananas
- 1 apple
- 1 string cheese
- A lot of water
The goal on this clean eating plan is to eat every 3 hours and to combine protein with carbs. So at 11am, I drank the protein shake and had a banana. At 1pm, I had string cheese and veggies. We stopped at McDonalds twice and Dairy Queen once during our trip. Oh yes- Dad!!! Oh wait, I should say we did McDonalds three times because Dad bought egg mcmuffins before we even left. I put mine in the fridge and knew I would not eat but didn't tell him that because he just wouldn't understand.
We had to use the bathroom so we stopped on the way there. He also wanted to get a coke. He decided on lemonade and I got a black coffee. I think that was the first time I have ever drank coffee black. I was shocked that I enjoyed it.
Dad got a great news on his heart checkup. His heart is functioning even better! He has congestive heart failure and supposed to be on a low sodium the Grace of God, he is better. On the way back, Dad was hungry even though he had eaten half my veggies and a banana (had enough for both of us) He got two big macks and he got me a water. I have tried and tried to get my dad to eat healthy- that is another blog!
He wanted to stop at another restaurant but I insisted that I was not hungry. I really wasn't. We ended up stopping at Baileys discount store on the way back. Oh look, there is a dairy queen in there!!! He strolls in and gets a hamburger. I munched on veggies until I got home and was able to eat dinner. It was four hours before I ate my next meal which was supposed to be three but I did not cave in to temptation. Speaking of temptation, have you ever been to Baileys and seen all the candy they have?!
Ok friends, I'd like to go over some things you might need in your kitchen to eat clean. You may already have all of this.
-measuring spoons
-measuring cups
-food scale
-juicer (a hand juicer is fine)
-ziploc steam fresh bags (Love these)
-snack bags, sandwich bags, gallon size bags
-stayfresh containers that are easy to transport
-a cooler or bag so you can take your food with you
Tomorrow I will talk more about what I am eating, the staples you should have in your kitchen and the rules to eating clean. In the mean time, here is a recipe for Pumpkin Protein bars I found that is very yummy. You can find all the ingredients at Kroger. I chose to put the walnuts in for some healthy fat!
Nutrition Facts:
Nutrition (without walnuts): 1 square = 47 calories, .7 g fat, 8 g carbs, 3.7 g protein
Nutrition (with walnuts): 1 square = 63 calories, 2.3 g fat, 8 g carbs, 4 g protein
- ½ C Xylitol Brown Sugar Blend (Ideal) (found this at Kroger in a purple bag. Made with Ideal)
- 1 - 4 oz. jar baby food applesauce (using baby food is perfect because you don't have any pesticides or added sugar)
- 2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1 ½ tsp. ground ginger
- ½ tsp. ground clove
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- ½ tsp. salt
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 4 large egg whites
- 1 - 15 oz. can of raw pumpkin
- 2 C oat flour (you can make your own oat flour by grinding oats in a food processor. Bob Red Mills makes a great brand plus it is gluten free)
- 2 scoops vanilla whey protein (want to find one low in sugar. Jillian Michael brand is good)
- ½ cup almond milk (unsweetened vanilla or reg)
- ½ C chopped walnuts (optional)
- Preheat the oven to 350.
- Spray a 9 X 13 Pyrex dish with non-stick spray.
- Combine first 11 ingredients and mix well.
- Add the final 3 ingredients (4, if adding walnuts), and mix until incorporated. Spread batter into the Pyrex dish and bake for 30 min.
- Makes 24 squares.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
One meal at a time....
Hi Friends,
Wecome to my new blog spot. I am hoping to help you, inspire you and maybe challenge you to a healthier life.
I have taken on a 12 week challenge to eat clean to be lean. I want more muscle definition and smaller thighs, not gonna lie :) While I take it one day at a time, I hope you will follow along taking it one meal at a time. Remember, just because you eat too much at one meal, that does not set the tone for the whole day. Stop overeating at the next meal. That's my tip for the day.
It's well past my bedtime and I need to get my meals ready for tomorrow. No excuses.
xoxo j
Wecome to my new blog spot. I am hoping to help you, inspire you and maybe challenge you to a healthier life.
I have taken on a 12 week challenge to eat clean to be lean. I want more muscle definition and smaller thighs, not gonna lie :) While I take it one day at a time, I hope you will follow along taking it one meal at a time. Remember, just because you eat too much at one meal, that does not set the tone for the whole day. Stop overeating at the next meal. That's my tip for the day.
It's well past my bedtime and I need to get my meals ready for tomorrow. No excuses.
xoxo j
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