So you making your list and checking it twice. You are ready to finally make this great healthy change in your life. Here is what to expect.
Expect to feel overwhelmed at first. Completely normal.
This is a process that you will have to tweak time and again for you, your family and your lifestyle. Soon it will become second nature.
Expect to go through detox. Yes, your body is addicted to all that sugar, caffeine, christmas cookies and an abundance of too much food. You can still have caffeine- coffee or tea- but no more soda, energy drinks etc. This detox will usually hit you around day 3. It may last for a couple days. You will have a headache and be so tired you could fall asleep standing up. Don't fight it, take a nap! Don't stop your clean eating schedule during this time! And drink water and a lot of it!!! All that water is flushing those nasty toxins from your body.
Expect to possibly be a little constipated at first. Doesn't make sense when you are eating all these vegetables and drinking all that water does it? Remember those toxins I spoke of? They are clogging up everything. Soon your digestive track will be moving better than ever. Hang in there and drink more water! I take a probiotic daily. I highly recommend it.
Expect to run into naysayers. They are just jealous. Expect them to try to feed you. NO!!!!! Remember this is your journey and you are the only one that can control what goes in your mouth. I can't tell you how many situations I have been in where people try to guilt me into eating something I don't want. I truly think they mean well but don't cave in.
Expect to lose the bloat!!! Yes, your tummy will get smaller! Your jeans will not be so tight! AMEN!!
Expect to lose weight!! Can I hear an AMEN?! Yes, you are probably carrying extra water weight and will lose that right away. Then it may be slow and steady but keep up the good work. Small consistent steps will take you to the finish line! I am on day 18 and I'm down 6 pounds!!
Expect to sleep better, have more energy and clearer skin. Yes friends, you have discovered the fountain of youth. Your immune system will be stronger and you will not catch as many colds.
Expect to finally feel in control of your eating- your body- your life! Expect this for a lifetime.
In peace and hope,
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