Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Update on juice fast....

I survived my 15 day juice fast.  Sorry it took me so long to get on here and share with you.  Sometimes life just gets in the way. 

All in all, I really enjoyed the juice fast.  I love how it made me feel.  I felt energized and empowered by taking control of my health.  I loved having all the new veggies to try.  As time went on, the juice started to taste better.  I started to crave it.  I haven't had a juice now since last Friday and I am craving it now.  I have decided to continue juicing and having one juice a day.

Juicing helps the body get the maximum nutrition with the least effort on the body.  The body gets to rest during an all juice fast.  Juicing helps to detox the body and rid it of heavy metals, caffeine and toxins that hang around inside of us.  We get mucho vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and lots of water!  (Did I mention I had to pee A LOT?!)  Juicing also helps the body to heal and resets the immune system.  It is recommended to do an all juice fast every 3 months, 6 months or at least yearly.

I was very lucky that did not experience any detox symptoms except for a slight headache on day 1.  I lost 7 pounds but have regained 1 since I started chewing my food again.  The things I missed most were my morning coffee and my home made popcorn.  I haven't had any popcorn yet.  I'm afraid my digestive system is not ready.  It is important not to start eating like crazy when finishing a juice fast.  You must reintroduce food slowly or you will have major stomach upset.  I really like how I felt during the plant based diet and never lost my energy like I thought I might.  I am a vegetarian and have often entertained the idea of becoming vegan.  This 15 day fast made me realize it is doable.  I've often wondered how I could "live" without cheese.  Cheese never entered my mind during this time.  

My new favorite veggie is Kale.  I always heard a lot about it and "meant" to try it....but it never happened til I used it during my fast.  My new favorite way to have Kale is Kale Chips.  If you  have never tried it, I am insisting that you do.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Wash and dry Kale. Pat dry or spin in salad spinner.  It is important that it is dry.  Cut the spine out of the Kale and cut leaves into bit size pieces.  I have a olive oil spritzer or you can put in bowl or gallon size bag.  Spritz kale pieces and toss so that all kale is covered.  Sprinkle with salt.  Bake for 10-15 minutes.  Watch them closely so they don't get burned.  I made two of these pans and ate them ALL!!!!!  Ditch the potato chips friends and try the Kale Chips!!!  Full  of nutrition and yummy goodness!!!!!


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