Health Advice #39 Try to eat more products that have no labels.
Eat foods with one ingredient. Try to focus on eating one food at each meal or snack that has no label.
1. Read the daily proclamation day and night. Done
2. Compliment someone each day and say nothing negative about anyone. On day 30, I complimented a gal at the grocery store. She had a rockin purse. I told her how much I liked it. She was an older gal and seemed pleased that I noticed.
On day 31, I complimented one of my clients. She has lost two pants sizes and although she is not seeing the scale move as much, I helped her celebrate the loss of two pant sizes. Remember the scale does not always trump!
On day 32, I complimented Kris at Gold Clipper. She has been doing my dogs for years and yesterday was Sammy's 8th Birthday. I thanked her for doing such a great job on Sammy's hair cuts.
On Day 32, I complimented Cari for being such an awesome photographer. She is trying to take one picture every day to keep up on her goal as a photographer and see how she improves. She can see things that I cannot and she can capture that moment that I only wish I could. I'm excited she is going to go to school for her dream as a photographer rather than waiting until she is 40 to pursue it.
3. Stop eating BEFORE you are full. Follow the special body cleansing program- I am juicing this week. I have been juicing like a good girl BUT, I have to confess. On day 31, I broke down. I was making peanut butter and feeling the HUGE need to chew. I had a handful of nuts.....then I still needed to chew.....I went into my daughters room and look what I found....
Dug deep in the back of the drawer and this is what I found......
That my friends is a girls dream!!! The Reese's cup in the back are 8 ounces!!! She got them in Chicago. I was looking more at the tortilla chips. I had 4 tortilla chips. I ate them slowly and savored each bite. After that, I was satisfied and didn't feel the need to "chew" anything else! Do you remember when I asked her to take a tiny Reese's egg to her friend and she threw a fit yet, here in her room, she faces this daily?! Pfffff!
I felt SO guilty after eating when I knew I shouldn't. I also knew that I had to confess to you. Lord knows I'm not perfect. Then I got to thinking about the last time I was on my 5 day juice fast. I remember being at work around day 4 and needing to crunch something. I had some "Love Crunch Granola" upstairs. I couldn't stop thinking about it until I finally went up there and grabbed a handful. My craving stopped after that and I was fine. I think I was better off eating just a little something to get my mind off the craving. Juicing is hard. It is especially hard when people around you are eating and you have to smell the yummy goodness. I think juicing is even harder on the weekends because weekends tend the be the time we are all together to eat. I only have one more day of juicing. I can do this!
I forgot to tell you, I received my herbal coffee in the mail.
One of these bags is good for 6 cups of herbal coffee. When I made it the first time, it tasted so watered down. I didn't like it. So my next attempt, I only used enough water for 4 cups. This did the trick. I am hooked now!! Thanks Katie for turning me on to this. I usually use half and half creamer but this was very smooth tasting and didn't need any creamer. (which I can't have anyway!) My favorite so far is the amaretto.
4. Do not get angry, curse or complain. Do not gossip about anyone. Nope
5.Give someone something material each day. Wednesday morning, I got to see my friend Angela who I seem to be missing lately. It was great to see her. I gave her a glass water bottle that just spoke her name when I saw it on the shelf. She loved it and now, I can feel good that she is not getting any BPA in her drinking water!
Wednesday, I put two books in the mail for my friend Noelle and my friend Kelly. They both are in the beginning stages of juicing and so I sent them a juicing book. I know when I first started it was rough, not really sure what to put together and not wanting to waste the food. I hope this helps them in their journey. They got these in the mail Thursday so this counts as Thursday and Saturday. I didn't want to go to the post office both days to spread it out.
Friday, I gave my friend April a workout top. She is super tiny and when I was out shopping I ran across it. I immediately thought of her. She has been teaching jazzercise and covering my classes and my fellow instructor Michelle's classes since the beginning of Dec...not to mention her own classes. She was mentioning how she seemed to only want to buy workout clothes. It's an addiction!!
6. Pray and read scripture for your age in minutes daily.- I pray for 11 minutes in the morning and 11 minutes at night. I also listen to an audio bible for 11 minutes in the morning and 11 at night. Done
7. Drink half myweight in ounces of water.- done I have to drink 72 ounces of water. Done. I think I pee every 12 minutes. TMI?
8. If you are doing any of these stop. Stop flirting, having affairs, committing fornication, looking at pornography, or communicating with a person who is not your spouse. Nope
9. Wash my face before bed.....dry brush before my shower.....put oil on my body before getting out of shower to battle dry skin. This isn't part of the challenge but I made it part. I need to get back into the habit! Yep!
My weight is as follows-
Day 1. 146.1
2. 144.0
3. 142.3
4. 142.6
Restart day 1. 143.8
2. 144.2
3. 142.7
4. 142.3
5. 140.9
6. 140.6
7. 140.4
8. 139.8
9. 139.8
10. 137.6
11. 138.9
12. 138.3
13. 138.7
14. 139.6
16. 135.6
19. 135.8
20. 137.3
21. 136.9
22. 135.8
23. 133.7
24. 135.4
25. 133.1
26. 132.9
27. 133.1
28. 133.5
29. 132.1
30. 131.5
31. 130.6
32. 130.5
33. 130.2