Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 18-20 Friday-Sunday

Health advice # 202  Don't use your fork and spoon to dig your grave.

My husband and I met my father, my brothers and their significant others at four winds to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday Thursday night.  We met at the buffet.  I wasn't very hungry because I had a late lunch and had that delicious apple pie impersonation late afternoon.  When we got there, I asked how much one ticket was and they said $27.50.  Ouch!  I decided not to eat because I didn't want to pay that for barely eating anything.  Tommy decided he wasn't that hungry and my dad followed suit.  So we sat down next to my brothers and sister-in-laws while they ate.  They were a little upset that we weren't eating.  This is something I have found through this challenge.  People want you to eat and not be different than them.  It's ok if I don't eat, or if I don't eat a particular item.  I'm still me.  I actually felt good that we were able to to gorge ourselves like we tend to do at a buffet. 

1. Read the daily proclamation day and night-  Done, I only have to read the bold print now since it has been more than a week.  Bonus!  I have to admit, this is the part of the challenge I like the least.

2. Compliment someone each day and say nothing negative about anyone. I'm taking too many days between blogging and can't remember who I complimented.  I know I did but I didn't write them down and now my memory is toast.  I know one day I did compliment my husband because he did an awesome job working on the garage.  Since he hurt his leg, he has been unable to get a lot of things done that he would normally keep up on. The garage was one of them.  We still had boxes and such in there and it prevented it from being as organized and he likes.  I also complimented my Vet for being awesome!

3. Stop eating BEFORE you are full. Follow the special body cleansing program- I am eating a vegan diet. I am only allowed to steam my food. No cooking on the stove or microwave. 
I made quinoa with sun dried tomatoes in the steamer over the weekend and it was delicious!  I had to force myself to not overeat it! 
My husband and I took our motorcycles out for a ride on Saturday.  I did NOT want to go because although it was nice out, it was not warm enough for me.  He did buy me this awesome leather coat that I have not been able to wear yet, so off we went.  We decided to stop at Mucho Mas on the way home.  I asked them if they could steam my veggie like they did a week or so ago.  Their response, "We don't steam veggies here."  What What??!!  Frank, the owner said he could last week.  Well, Frank is out of town and we don't know how he did it.  Ugh!!  I NEEDED something HOT to eat as I was ccccccold!!  I decided on a fajita bowl which had grilled veggies in them.  I was told they put soy sauce on the veggies when they grill them (that explains the water retention the next day) so I asked them to hold the soy sauce.  So I did eat grilled veggies that day.  I had them hold the white rice and cheese.
This was my last "hot- cooked" meal for the next three weeks.  This was Sunday nights meal.  I put sundried tomatoes on my potatoes.  Starting Monday, I am on the Eden diet for a week.  I am only able to eat Raw foods, nothing cooked.  I have to stay within the limits of "if I could find it in the garden of Eden, I can have it"  Next week, I do a juice fast and then back to the Eden Diet.

4. Do not get angry, curse or complain. Do not gossip about anyone I complained yesterday.  I didn't really mean to and I tried to pass it off as a statement but I know it was a complaint.  My hip is back to hurting and I am having problems with my foot.  I have had problems with my foot since summer but it is just getting worse and I don't understand how since I cannot jazzercise.  Anyway, yesterday was not the best day for not complaining for me.

5.Give someone something material each day  Friday I had to take the pups into the vet.  I stopped at Meijer and bought a fruit tray to give to the staff.  They do a terrific job in there and are always sooo busy, so I thought it would be nice to offer something healthy to eat.  They were all very excited about getting something healthy, instead of junk food.  Saturday, I gave Summer a gift certificate to Mucho Mas for her birthday...Sunday I bought my daughter Jimmy Johns for lunch.

6. Pray and read scripture for your age in minutes daily.- I pray for 11 minutes in the morning and 11 minutes at night. I also listen to an audio bible for 11 minutes in the morning and 11 at night.   I fell asleep watching tv one night and missed my reading and praying.  I doubled it up the next day to make up for it.

7. Drink half myweight in ounces of water.- done I have to drink 72 ounces of water. Done I'm pretty sure I'm getting more water in than my requirement

8. If you are doing any of these stop. Stop flirting, having affairs, committing fornication, looking at pornography, or communicating with a person who is not your spouse. I had lunch with my friend David on Friday.  We have been friends for years and I don't consider it flirting or having an affair when you have a friend of the opposite sex.  We don't see each other but about once a year and it was nice to catch up on our lives.

9. Wash my face before bed. This isn't part of the challenge but I made it part. I need to get back into the habit! I fell asleep watching tv one night and didn't wash my face.  I woke up feeling gross!  Mascara had flaked into my eyes, which does not feel good.  I'm so glad that I am washing my face more before bed, it helps me to feel less gross in the morning!

My weight is as follows-
Day 1. 146.1
2. 144.0
3. 142.3
4. 142.6
Restart day 1. 143.8
2. 144.2
3. 142.7
4. 142.3
5. 140.9
6. 140.6
7. 140.4
8. 139.8
9. 139.8
10. 137.6
11. 138.9
12. 138.3
13. 138.7

14. 139.6
16. 135.6
19. 135.8
20. 137.3

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Ken and I went for a motorcyle ride Saturday and also ate at Mucho Mas! We bundled up good so I wasn't cold on the bike. It was so nice to get out and enjoy the ride. It may be a bit!
