Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 9

Health advice #35 Eat sweet foods as you find them in nature.

First day with the new software went pretty well!  My computer crashed in the middle of signing everyone up for the 9am class but luckily I was able to recover everything.  I'm also having a hard time figuring out how to back it up because it doesn't want to save to a zip drive.  I'm praying all the information doesn't get lost until I can figure it out. 

There was a little resistance this morning with one of my class managers.  I am hoping she understand how this is helping us all to save time and it will get easier once she understands it.
I feel like I have ADD.  Not making fun but seriously, I cannot focus on any one thing for longer then 10 seconds.  Do you ever have so much to do that you just don't know where to start so you nap instead?!  I totally almost did that today!  But I didn't- I kept trying to make it look like I actually did something.  I got the important things done but desperately need to clean my office.  Since things have changed in the structure of my business, all the things from the Pace Circuit room went into my office area....and it is a mess.  I start on one thing then think, oh I need to do this or that.  I can't get anything done.  I will keep trying. 
Here are my stats for the day.

1. Read the Daily Proclamation aloud each morning and night. done- Really trying to slow down in the morning and read every word. Done

2. Compliment someone each day and say nothing negative about anyone.  I complimented Christine in my pilates class today.  She was struggling to get a move and I stepped over to help her.  She was able to knock out the exercise and feel successful doing it.  I was very proud of her!  I noticed that she is really slimming down.  After class I made sure to let her know that I noticed her weight loss and her commitment to becoming a healthier person.  She struggled with an illness that made her gain weight and is finally on a road of recovery.  I am very excited and proud to be part of her journey. 

3. Stop eating BEFORE you are full - no problem- Follow the special body cleansing program- I am eating a vegan diet. I am only allowed to steam my food. No cooking on the stove or microwave.  I didn't think I was going to be at work all day so I didn't bring a lunch.  I thought I was going to leave for the early afternoon then head back in.  With my ADD in full force, that didn't happen.  My dad called and asked if I wanted lunch.  I took him up on that offer and he picked me up Indiana Deli.  I ordered a cobb salad, minus the meat, crouton, cheese and dressing (I know you are thinking what is left?!) A lot of veggies actually!  I Heart Indiana Deli!  I ate a banana and a pear for breakfast, my salad for lunch and snacked on an orange, a red pepper and strawberries all afternoon.  I didn't get home til after 8pm so I decided not to eat since my stomach was not growling. 

4. Do not get angry, curse or complain. Do not gossip about anyone- I had to bite my tongue a couple times today with the new software but I was a good girl.  I have to be honest, this "not able to get angry, curse or complain or gossip" has got to be the hardest part of this challenge.  Seriously, try to do all that for one day.  Come on just give me one day!  People think the eating part is the hardest but that is a cake walk next to this part!

5. Give someone something material each day.- I wasn't going to go into detail about the gifts but I have changed my mind on that. Hey it's my blog, I can change my mind anyway....I want to show how easy it is to make someones day with so little!  I gave my friend Dawn a notepad with a little note inside.  She called me the other day about possibly quitting jazzercise. She is a busy working mother and doesn't have time to fit it all in.  I totally get it!  It is hard!  We are busy from the time our feet hit the floor in the morning until we fall into bed.  It's crazy.  Giving up exercise seems to be the easiest solution for more time at home.  I will be adding more classes which she thought would help her and she is going to hold off for a while and see how it works out.  I'm so happy for her.  I enjoy her being part of my family at jazz and it's not about the money.  That's why I love what I do.  Of course I need to pay the bills but it's the people I miss when they leave, not the money.  


6. Pray and read scripture for your age in minutes daily.- I pray for 11 minutes in the morning and 11 minutes at night. I also listen to an audio bible for 11 minutes in the morning and 11 at night. I have been praying in the car on the way to work.  It takes me 13 minutes to get to work and I have to pray for 11 minutes so I get a couple extra in!  Bonus!  The funny thing is, I pray out loud.  I think my four legged babies think I am talking to them and when other people see me talking they prolly think I'm crazy talking to myself.  I enjoy talking to God out loud.  It makes me feel that HE can hear me better.  I know he can hear me just fine when I don't talk out loud, but it feels good to me.  I did get all my minutes in today.  Since I left work so late, I talked to HIM all the way home too!

7. Drink half my weight in ounces of water.- done I have to drink 72 ounces of water. Done  I was super thirsty today and I think I drank almost double what I had to. 

8. If you are doing any of these stop. Stop flirting, having affairs, committing fornication, looking at pornography, or communicating with a person who is not your spouse. Nope

9. Wash my face before bed. This isn't part of the challenge but I made it part. I need to get back into the habit! Done  My skin is LOVING this challenge.  Between drinking all the water faithfully and washing my face every night, my complexion is becoming clearer.  I might even look younger (I wish)

My weight is as follows-
Day 1. 146.1
2. 144.0
3. 142.3
4. 142.6
Restart day 1. 143.8
2. 144.2
3. 142.7
4. 142.3
5. 140.9
6. 140.6
7. 140.4
8. 139.8

9. 139.8
With love,

1 comment:

  1. You cracked me up with your ADD comment and praying out loud, too. I HAVE to pray out loud or I get so distracted so quickly that before I know it my mind has raced off in 100 different directions. All of a sudden I'll think, how in the world did I get from there to there? Then I back track and figure it out. Then I apologize to God for getting off track again and start over praying. The only way for me is to speak out loud. Also, when I'm at home if I'm on my knees in front of a chair or my bed that helps, too. I don't even try to spend any real time praying lying down because I fall asleep! So, I pray while I drive most often. I figure if people see me they'll think I'm talking on my bluetooth headset! LOL! I don't really care - I don't look at other people while I'm driving so why am I worried that they are looking at me? Janet, you are doing awesome at this. Keep it up! You are an inspiration!!
