Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pushy tree huggers........

Don't you hate it when people try to make you do things?  Let's talk about vegetarians and vegans that try to make you just like them.  Do you know anyone like that?  I will apologize for some of my fellow vegetarians or vegans.  I love what PETA stands for- People for Ethical treatment of animals!  They can go overboard though.  As in any group there are extremist.  I belong to a facebook group of vegans and there was a thread on there about fish not being plants.  As you may recall, I did start eating fish a couple years after becoming a vegetarian.  (According to them, I am NOT a vegetarian)  The nasty comments that followed made me feel sad to be a human being.  Seriously people!!!  We all know how mean people can be behind a keyboard.  Well some vegans are die hard and want you to know why you should be just like them and if you are not then you are the worst person EVER!  You probably hate babies and puppies too!  
Let me tell you, I am not judgmental of what you eat.  I am only here to inform you and maybe help you understand why I choose to be a vegetarian/vegan.  You CAN eat meat in front of me and I won't look at you in disgust. (Just not crab legs because I have a hard time watching them being torn brutal!) Remember, I too used to eat meat.  I loved a good cheeseburger, pork chop or chicken breast. But that was then and my priorities are different now.  That doesn't mean my way is the right way.  It just means, it's the right way for ME.  When I was a teenager, one of my friends, Joe, was a vegetarian for a while and I can remember asking him the same question I get asked ALL the time.  "What do you eat?"  Then about 10 years later,  I had a co-worker that was vegetarian and again, I remember thinking "what does she eat?!"  I just couldn't understand how you couldn't eat meat!  Now remember, I was never a big meat eater, yet I still felt this way>>
There is more to life than meat.  You just have to make different choices.  There are sooo many cook books and recipes out there for vegetarians and vegans.  Maybe I can convince you to make Mondays meatless....or how about lunch or dinner meatless.  You're body will thank you!  Either way, No judgments ever!

Reason #3 why I should be a vegan-
This is something I never thought about and maybe you didn't either.  Dairy cows do not just produce milk all the time.  They must be pregnant or nursing.  Therefore, a dairy cow is artificially inseminated over and over again so that her entire life is one of being pregnant and giving birth.  Once they give birth, the baby cows are separated from their Momma within hours.  Momma cows will bellow for many hours and even days after her calf is taken from her.   After each birth, the Momma cow becomes even more emotionally traumatized due to hormone levels being higher.  


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