Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thankful Thursday

It's thankful Thursday friends.  Here are the top 5 things I am thankful for this week.  These are in no particular order....

1.  My Son Cory and his soon to be bride Brittany.  They are getting married tomorrow and they are just perfect for each other.  I couldn't be more proud of them both.

2.  My husband Tommy.  He has to put up with me, which is not an easy task.  He is very social and he likes to talk.  A.  Lot.   He can stop a total stranger and talk to him for an hour.  True story. 

I find myself becoming more of a hermit....I don't like going in crowds of people.  For instance, he said, "Let's go to Great America!"  I was like....."Noooooooo!"  I just don't like being around ALL those people.  Am I getting old or what?!  Don't answer that.

3.  My Daddy.  He is so good to me.  He stops up at work almost daily to see if I need help with anything or just to make my bank deposit if I need it.  I appreciate him immensely. 

4.  A good foot day.  Ok, so I did over dose on Advil to get through my monitoring for Jazzercise today..... but, I passed my monitoring so I'm good for another year.  I don't let it worry me like I used to.  I try to remember, I am getting monitored to make sure I am teaching quality classes.   

5.  Levi.  Levi was our chocolate lab.  He was 10 1/2 when we had to put him down this past Monday.  It's funny the things you miss when they are gone.  The little things I would get after him for, like drinking and eating out of the little dogs bowl....waking us up at 2 or 3am to go potty....barking NONSTOP as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning until I got downstairs to let him out....I only wish those things could happen now.

Life is so darn short and it is so easy to take all that for granted every day.  Treasure each moment you have friends because we truly don't know just how long we have to share this life with each other.

What are you thankful for this week?

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