Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How is running like eating clean?

I ran a 4 mile race yesterday.  It was a trail run.  I stepped outside the box, outside my normal set limits.  You see, I have told Berta, my running partner, many times "I will not run outside if it is below 32 degrees."  That was my limit.  Why?  I don't like to be cold.  I REALLY don't like to be cold.  The thing I don't put enough weight on though is the fact that when we start running, we are warm!!  So after we did the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, I called her up and said, "Let's sign up for the Crazy Legs 4 mile race the day after Christmas."  She didn't bat and eye and agreed quickly.  It turned out to be the perfect day for a run.  No snow, sleet, rain or wind to speak of.  Like I said earlier, most of the race was through the woods.  It was so exhilarating running or I should say zig zagging through the woods.  I'm not a very fast runner so it didn't take long for me to get separated from the pack. That never bothers me though.  I run this race for me and not to beat them.  

Trail runs are so different from road runs.  On a trial run you can't look much past your feet or you could fall.  If you try to look too far ahead you can easily step on that tree root wrong and sprain your ankle.  You are forced to stay in each moment and react to just that moment.  In a road run, it can be so easy to look far ahead and see how much road is really ahead of you.  It is so easy to lose your focus because you begin to feel overwhelmed by the road ahead of you.  Not so in trail runs.  The trail zigs and zags...goes up and goes down.  You cannot get bored because each step is different than the last.  There is no way to be able to tell where the trail ends,  forcing us to stay in the moment.

As I was running, I tripped and turned my ankle four times!  Not because I was looking so far ahead but more so because I am so graceful!  The last time I twisted my ankle was the worst.  It made me completely lose my balance and fall to the left.  I stood right up, shook it off  and took off again.  I started to think maybe I should slow down, maybe I should walk the race.  What if I do sprain my ankle?  I need my body for my job and cannot afford to sprain an ankle!  I shake off the fear of what ifs and continue on.  I don't let fear of the unknown stop me.   Since I can't see the end of the race, I just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  I have faith that I can and will finish this race.  My consistency will pay off.  My small steps will lead me to the finish line. 

How does this relate to clean eating?  Don't be afraid to step outside your box.  Go outside your limits when trying new foods and recipes.  You might be shocked that you enjoy a food that you didn't used to.  Find new recipes and try a new one or two every week.  This helps prevent boredom too. Each step in this race can have variety if you let it.  Don't get stuck eating the same thing every day.

When learning to eat clean it can be so easy to be distracted by others.  Remember you are running this race for YOU.  Don't let others influence you to lose your focus.  It's OK to eat the way you need to eat.  Don't let them tell you, just this once...you can eat just this one cookie....I made it just for YOU!  No!!!  Don't do it.  Believe me, there will be people uncomfortable with your new healthy way of eating.  Do what YOU need to do to finish this race.

Don't look too far ahead during your journey.  If you are doing this to lose weight, don't think I have 30 pounds to lose!!  I'll never do it!  YES YOU WILL!!  You will do it ONE pound at at time!!!  Remember the paper towel layer analogy?  One sheet at a time friends.

Be consistent with your shopping, planning and eating.  Your small steps each day will take you to the finish line.   You have to have Faith in yourself and the new way of life.  It's OK to fall, but shake it off and get right back up.  Don't let the fear of failing stop you.  I want you to show me that YOU can do it!!

One foot at at time, one meal at at time, one day at a time.  We can do this.

Faith and love,

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