Saturday, February 4, 2012

My new crunchy finds...

If the name doesn't say it let me... I LOVE THIS CRUNCH!!!  Oh my, this is some good chocolate craving medicine!  I got an email about it first from Natures Path.  It can be ordered online on their website but also at....COSTCO!!  Oh my love for Costco grows and grows.  This Organic granola has a 1/4 serving size so be careful as it can be dangerously easy to overeat.  (I have the bag at work and can't remember exact calorie count) Perfect in some yummy Fage greek yogurt!  It has chocolate chunks and delicious dried berries that will keep you coming back for more.  In the ingredient list, I found it to say "natural chocolate flavor."  You know how I feel about that sneaky "natural flavor" ingredient.  Is it good?  Is it bad? Will I ever know???? I did email the company to inquire on said "natural chocolate flavor".  Oh yes, I will get to the bottom of this mystery!    

Good news friends.  For those of you that need more  crunch, Mary's Gone Crackers has it.  If you are need of Gluten free, this is for you too!  You can find these at Kroger in the Organic section.  A 6 ounce box is $4.49.  However.....wait for it.....wait for it.....Costco has a 20 ounce box for $6.99!!!  And it is on sale right now, no coupon needed for $4.99!!  These are also extremely addictive so COUNT THEM OUT!  13 crackers for 140 calories.  No, 5 half broken crackers does not equal ONE!  Ha, kinda funny though as all the crackers are not the same size so does that mean I can pull out 13 of the bigger circle crackers and still think I only ate 140 calories.  It's my fantasy friends.  Don't ruin it. 

Rumor has it, Mary's Gone Crackers just came out with a pretzel stick.  A healthy Clean pretzel stick. I'm on it friends.  I'll find them! 

This is right along the same path as the LOVE Crunch!  There are two yummy bags inside this box.  It's all organic and it's all clean. Throw a handful in your oatmeal, yogurt or smoothie.  Can't go wrong with Natures Path. They are working to get us all healthy one box at at time!  

Speaking of oatmeal....I have found a wonderful way to celebrate my breakfast.  I absolutely Love cherry pie.  I USED to long ago use sugar free cherry pie filling in my oatmeal because I pretend I am eating pie for breakfast.  Well, I stopped doing that a long time ago because obviously it just wasn't healthy.  I found a new way to have my cherry pie and eat it too!!  I take Tart Cherry Juice daily for my joints.  I find it helps my joints stay healthy.  I don't know why it took me so long to figure it out but I started putting the tart cherry juice in my oatmeal with dried cherries and YIPPEE, I have my healthy, clean cherry pie for breakfast. 
 Oh friends, this couldn't make me smile more!
I use 1/2 c oatmeal, dry 
Teaspoon or two of wheat germ, flax seeds and chia seeds
one scoop vanilla protein powder
scant handful of dried cherries
2 TBSP tart cherry juice
I put just enough water to cover the oatmeal and put in microwave for 90 seconds. 

Delish!  It taste like cherry cobbler. I am addicted. 

 You can find the cherry juice for about $16 at Kroger in the refrigerated section by the healthy juices and veggies.  It is expensive but does last a while.  I am told it is cheaper at Meijer.  I will let you know as I am getting low and need to buy some more!

I am down to 134 pounds.  That's 13 pounds down!  People are starting to notice my weight loss.  I am feeling AWESOME and even better than I can imagine.  It's true that you don't realize how bad you feel until you actually feel good.  I was feeling bad.  My hip is still not good.  I would love you to send me some healing prayers.  Doc put me on more steroids and rest.  I'm doing my best.  Rest.  Rest.  Trying!

 I encourage you to make a clean meal this weekend for you and your family.  Make your plate look like the rainbow.  Food IS our Medicine friends.  

With positive energy,


1 comment:

  1. Going to Costco on Wed. These are now on my shopping list ;-) Thanks Janet
