Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Health advice #101  Eat more foods that have one ingredient.

Today has been a loooooonnnng day.  I am currently in the process using a new software for jazzercise which includes my clients using key tags.  I am trying to understand it all and enter all my clients info in it as well.  I really need a massage because I feel like I have knots in between my shoulders.  (not complaining- just telling you about my day)  It is a lot of data entry and a lot of staring at a computer screen.  I know it will make things a lot easier in the long run -which is the wind beneath my wings =) 

I'm a little worried about taking it in to my class managers and instructors I know it can be frustrating and I am hoping they all accept it with open arms! #guesswhatIprayedabouttoday 

I'm going to cut my blog short tonight.

Here are my stats for the day.

1.  Read the Daily Proclamation aloud each morning and night. done- Really trying to slow down in the morning and read every word. Done

2. Compliment someone each day and say nothing negative about anyone. I complimented the gas station employee today.  I wasn't sure I was going to make it out today because I was stuck in front of the computer all day, but I had to go get my car at jazzercise.  My dad and son did some work on it for me and my dad left it there.  Thank goodness I had to go get it or I would have had to just run out to be able to finish my challenge.  I told the gentleman at the gas station that I appreciate his working today on New Year because I was able to get gas.  I told him I was very thankful for him.  He thought- WEIRDO.  I could see it in his eyes.  note to self- stick to complimenting women (just kidding)

3. Stop eating BEFORE you are full - no problem- Follow the special body cleansing program- I am eating a vegan diet. I am only allowed to steam my food. No cooking on the stove or microwave. I did good today on my eating.  Ate a lot of fruits and veggies and had a veggie patty today.

4. Do not get angry, curse or complain. Do not gossip about anyone- Did not curse today but I did say a complaint, which I turned around into two positives!  whew!

5. Give someone something material each day.- I wasn't going to go into detail about the gifts but I have changed my mind on that. Hey it's my blog, I can change my mind anytime....so anyway....I want to show how easy it is to make someones day with so little! I bought a lottery ticket then gave it to the gentleman at the gas station.  He was like "uh-ok thanks"  Good enuff for me.  Hopefully he won big!


6. Pray and read scripture for your age in minutes daily.- I pray for 11 minutes in the morning and 11 minutes at night. I also listen to an audio bible for 11 minutes in the morning and 11 at night. Done

7. Drink half my weight in ounces of water.- done I have to drink 72 ounces of water. Done

8. If you are doing any of these stop. Stop flirting, having affairs, committing fornication, looking at pornography, or communicating with a person who is not your spouse. Nope

9. Wash my face before bed. This isn't part of the challenge but I made it part. I need to get back into the habit! Done

My weight is as follows-
Day 1. 146.1
2. 144.0
3. 142.3
4. 142.6
Restart day 1. 143.8
2. 144.2
3. 142.7
4. 142.3
5. 140.9
6. 140.6
7. 140.4 
8. 139.8

Peace and Love,

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